Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 2 - more demo

Today started off taking out more dry wall, having Habitat for Humanity come get the cabinets, having three polish guys at the same time picking up the appliances and meeting with my electrician for a final walk through before he starts on Monday.  So far I have filled 2 Bagsters (see pictures below) and 6 large contractor bags.

I had to move the HVAC return from the ceiling to make way for the new cabinets which meant moving a stud, cutting the HVAC 8" duct and putting it back together.

The Bagsters behind our place.  
Preped the floor for the new hardwood tomorrow.

Behind this plastic is all our stuff, safe from dust!

The girls room was also draped in plastic

The hallway ceiling is down in spots to help move HVAC, plumbing, electrical, video feeds and ethernet.
Here is what is looks like at the end of the day.  A little more to go!

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