Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 3 - Construction begins!

Today I started by going to Home Depot to get some supplies for the up coming projects.  Then I spent the day patching the floor, framing the window, pulling cables and more clean up and demo.

Patch job complete, ready to be refinished in about one week.

Reframed the window to move the sides in a little to line up with the glass block and the bottom because a counter top will now be under the window.  I al also finishing it in wood instead of the drywall hole it was before.

Just a few wires being relocated. 
Most of the wires in their new home, my new office location (Sylvie's old room)


  1. I think that I moved about 10 plus ethernet (more to come from Kitchen) and 4 video feeds for girls surveillance cameras.
